Sunday, May 9, 2010

Finally in Yellowstone

Had a long day today. We weren't expecting to do a lot of driving, but we still ended up driving almost 12 hours. Despite all of this time in the car, we managed to see a lot of wildlife and scenery. My dad and I have been having a great time so far. There's been a lot of laughter and a lot of joking around, which always makes the time go by fairly quick in the car.

By the way, tickets for speeding are cheap in Wyoming. 20 miles per hour over the speed limit only costs 90 dollars. My dad found this out the hard way, thinking the limit was 75 when it was really 65. Over the last 3 days, I'd say we averaged about 10-12 hours of driving followed by 2 hours of drinking.

After all of this mountain driving, I am happy to say that my new brakes have done quite well...especially when rounding corners in Yellowstone with bison standing in the middle of the road. Thank you Dad for having a fast reaction time.

So far, we have seen mountain goats, bighorn sheep, elk, bison, deer, prairie dogs, pronghorns, and swollen raccoons napping on the side of the road. (Sure is a funny place to take a nap.) This has only been over the last two days, so I can't wait to see what's in store for me over the course of a whole summer.

I can't individually post comments for each picture, so I am going to choose a couple of my favorites from today. The rest will be in the slideshow below. Speaking of slideshows, I want everyone to know that you can click on the slideshow and it will open in a new window. Then, you can manually go through each picture at a much higher resolution and in more detail.

Thank God for good brakes because this would have left a mark.

Right before I almost got killed by falling rocks.

My dad smiling as I almost get killed by falling rocks. 
Now you know why we drink for 2 hours every night.

The orange pole is 6 feet tall. I left 80 and sunny in Toledo for this.
And I'm still glad that I did.


  1. Wow--what great pics. I've never been west of Indiana, so I'm counting on you for knowledge of the west. :)

  2. Again - absolutely beautiful. So great you and your dad got to do this together. It looks like you're having a great time and what wonderful bonding for you two. Once in a lifetime!! Enjoy every moment!
